Hi Everyone,
If you read my recent blog post on self-care, then you may have noticed that one of the suggestions is to bake some nice yummy treats for yourself! Yipee, that means it is guilt-free, cos i said so haha! Anyone asks, you can tell them i told you that in order to look after yourself, you need to bake yummy treats for yourself on a regular basis. Why? Because it makes you happy of course! Too many people are afraid to treat themselves due to boring and strict diets or healthy lifestyle choices, basically. Thats why I’m here to give you a little push in the direction of deliciously sweet and mouth-watering biscuits. I happened to make these a few years ago back in New Zealand and they were completely amazing. I actually meant to bake them for a market, they are THAT good. I was thinking to myself, i could probably just bake these cookies by the dozen and sell them to make some cash because they’re completely addictive and people would keep coming back for more heehee. Who knows, i may still rock on with that idea but for the time being I’m a full time Mum with no babysitter – so that may be a while away.