Peace of Mind Around the Home
Family life in the 21st Century is certainly not what it once was. There are more distractions, worries and aspects of life that need attention than ever before. We live in a world where everything pertains to be simpler but is in fact more complicated.
Currently, with so much going on, it can be hard to have peace of mind around the home. In my previous article titled Restoring the Balance Between Mind, Body and Home, I explained how you could explore your own mindfulness at home, through interior décor and home comfort.
That very much covered the physical, but how can you achieve peace of mind through other avenues, perhaps not as obvious as harmonious wellness spaces? How can you protect your peace of mind in the unlikely event of an unforeseen disaster?
I have three practical steps you can take which should give you further peace of mind, not just with the everyday environment, but in the event of disaster, too.
Investing in your family’s future might not be top of the list of things to do in the current environment, with money as tight as it is for many, but it can give you a degree of peace of mind going forward. I’m not talking about pensions, property and the like, but instead, a collection of products that could help you feel safer in the long term, should anything untoward happen to your family.
Think about possible ‘survival kits’ in the event of a disaster, what would you have in them? Batteries for torches maybe? You could invest in smart technology for your home, an alarm system perhaps?
Furthermore, an overnight grab bag prepared for each member of the family, should the worst happen. For instance, Thurrock Council suggest such a bag could have documents, blankets, candles and bottled water in, should the worst ever happen. Preparedness is peace of mind in extreme situations.
Perhaps the biggest threat to your wellbeing at home is the threat of disaster, and the concern that things might go awry. Having a solid insurance policy to protect you in that circumstance will take away much of the ‘what if’ concerns you might have. What if a storm takes your roof off? No problem, you have buildings insurance. Think about the services in the home too, the ones perhaps not covered by your basic policies.
Aspects such as electricity are vital in running your family home and you can cover those specifically, which may be prudent in older homes with dated circuits. For instance, the electrical cover on HomeServe, outlines how you can suffer from failed wiring, fuse box breakdowns, or even broken power sockets which severely impact your ability to lead a normal family life. Consider breakdowns that would impact family life to a point where it would become impossible, and spend a small amount a month protecting them for your peace of mind.
Neighbours are often the best people to help out and rely on in the community. Having good people to rely on means so much. For instance, in the old days Huff Post discuss how they might have sent the kids round for a cup of sugar or 50p for the electricity meter. Maybe they still do?!
However, on new build housing estates around the country, that sense of community may be in danger. Also, you may live remotely, which can be tricky to manage.
In the event of a disaster, in times of real trouble, your neighbours are the closest people to you physically and may have to be your first point of call. Try to make sure you know your neighbours, and that you find five minutes for each other when your paths cross. Knowing they watch your home when you are out, or that they can take a parcel when you cannot get away from work, gives you some peace of mind when away from your home.
So guys, those are my tips to help restore more peace of mind at home and fully relax, if possible!
Back soon with some gorgeous natural skin care that I am pampering myself with 😉
Chat soon,
Ciara x