Peace of Mind Around the Home

peacefully relaxing at home

Peace of Mind Around the Home

Family life in the 21st Century is certainly not what it once was. There are more distractions, worries and aspects of life that need attention than ever before. We live in a world where everything pertains to be simpler but is in fact more complicated.

Currently, with so much going on, it can be hard to have peace of mind around the home. In my previous article titled Restoring the Balance Between Mind, Body and Home, I explained how you could explore your own mindfulness at home, through interior décor and home comfort. read more

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How I Gave up Alcohol & Tips to Quit or Cut Down

holding hands on a path - symbolising giving up alcohol as a journey

Hello Friends,

I gave up drinking over a month ago so I thought I should post a blog post on how I gave up alcohol and tips to quit or cut down. I genuinely feel way better in myself and my life has changed so positively since kicking the drink.

Giving up alcohol was a huge step for me. I have thought about it so many times over the years, too many to remember. Growing up in Ireland, the drinking culture was a big part of life. It seemed as though, once I was old enough to buy alcohol, it was a huge victory. I was somehow led to believe that alcohol was the be all and end all of life! read more

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How Meditation Music Calms My Kids & I

a woman in a hammock meditating

Hi Lovelies,

Hope you are well. Today I am sharing a breakthrough about how meditation music calms my kids and I daily. I discovered the amazing benefits of listening to meditation style music and the calming effect it has on my kids by chance one day. I had been stressed out and feeling frazzled towards the end of the summer holidays from school. After 2 months of constant demands, tantrums and whingeing I literally couldn’t get a break.

The thing is, living remotely I don’t have a babysitter and my partner works long hours so I was feeling pretty frustrated and generally worn out. I was practically counting down the days until my 3 year old went back to play school and my 18 month old was starting in the creche. Sounds bad but also relatable to some, in the same situation. Just having some quiet time was practically impossible since my ‘threenager’ decided she didn’t want to do afternoon naps or even go to bed at a reasonable hour at night. read more

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10 Ways to Chill Out and Unplug for Ultimate Relaxation

Relaxed girls chilling out at the beach

Stress and anxiety are rife nowadays and no one is immune. Here are some ideas how to chill out and unplug for ultimate relaxation. I have a serious phone addiction that I have been battling for quite some time now. If you happened to read my previous post on “Phubbing” you will know that I have tried to cut down on my phone usage in the past and it did work for some time. I do feel like my old habits started to reform and I am glued to my phone all the time again. I really notice my mood being affected and I feel this subconscious urge to check my phone every few minutes when I’m not already on it! That is why I am writing this post, so that I can help others to chill out and unplug for relaxation. read more

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What is Negative Self-Talk and How Can we Overcome it?

believe in yourself sand writing

I had never heard of the term negative self-talk before, until a couple of years ago when I read a book about positivity. The book I read was called “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” and I wrote a post about it a while back, if you wish to read it here. Our inner voice is so important as to how we see ourselves and how our confidence and positivity prevails. It is hard not to criticise ourselves from time to time, or indeed, all the time. I am no stranger to negative self-talk myself so I decided to write a post about it and how I deal with it nowadays. read more

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