My Top 10 Natural Beauty Faves

Hi Guys,

Today i decided to do a post on my top ten natural beauty products that I’m using at the moment. I really love my natural beauty products and i just had to share my current natural beauty faves with you. I have never done a post of this kind before so i will go through my beauty routine and add some of my little luxuries that i use a couple of times a week, at the end. I’ll start off with my everyday  routine. It is a very quick routine since I’m lucky to have a spare few minutes to be honest! I do a lot of running around after my two babies in the mornings so i need a quick and easy to manage skincare once-over. I also adore nourishing my face and i really relish the effect of my products and the feel-good factor involved with properly cleansing and prepping my face for the day. Its my little bit of pampering that wakes me up and makes me feel great. I tend to have my shower first, which takes me a maximum of five minutes and then follow with face care as the pores are open from the heat. Thats if i have time! Otherwise i just do my facial routine whenever i get a chance. So i will start with my fave shower product for body care. read more

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DIY Facial Mist recipes that work!

woman spraying facial mist on her face

Hi lovelies,

Today we’re talking facial mist. I haven’t done a good DIY beauty post for a while so i have loads lined up! I thought this DIY facial mist one would be a particularly good one to start with for the summer months. If you’re lucky, you will be having nice weather wherever you are! Either way, facial mists are a big hit nowadays since they seem to have a great effect on the skin. Similar to a toner, they are really refreshing and cooling. They’re also really simple to apply in a hurry and no need for cotton pads so can save you money and time. read more

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Toxic Beauty Products in your cupboards. Know what you are applying…

Today I am writing about the dangerous toxins in regular everyday beauty products and how they can affect us. I think people need to be more aware of the dangers and so I am going to explain what the worst offenders are and how to spot them. The truth is, most people don't even look at the ingredients on their fave products and just assume if they have passed the tests they are obviously safe. Unfortunately, there is a massive amount of leniency given to the companies as to what they may use. I recently watched a documentary on just how many chemicals are in our beauty regime and learned the ugly truth about cosmetics in todays market. It was called "Our Chemical Lives".

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A skincare regime that works


Hi everyone,

I decided to share my daily skincare regime with you as it has been working so well for me of late. Since i started and followed the following regime, my skin has been bright, clear and dewy and im feeling confident with less makeup. Here are a few other contributing factors. I have been eating a healthy and balanced diet. I recently cut out sugar, but not completely as im a complete chocoholic so i still have a stash of 70% cocoa dark chocolate. And its Bio, if that makes it even more guilt-free. Apparently it is very good for you and its even recommended as part of a diet. So there you go, not like you needed any more reasons to indulge. The great part about it is, you only need a couple of squares of this stuff to beat the craving. Honestly, i kid you not and if you dont believe me, see for yourself. I have a couple of squares with my afternoon cup of tea and that satisfies my craving. To be honest i dont even miss sugar now. I stick to a mainly mediterranean diet and dont deprive myself. I take a skin, hair and nail supplement and incorporate a little light cardio. Exercise helps maintain elasticity of the skin and increases blood flow whilst improving the skin tone. And lastly i drink around 2 litres of water a day. Well thats most days anyway and the rest of the time im probably chugging wine haha. You know that red wine is good for you too? Ok, lets move on before i risk sounding like a wino haha. Heres what i do- read more

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Amazing Night Balm Review

I decided to do a review of this KIKO Milano Nourishing lip balm since i have just recovered from the worst case of chapped lips ever. I had the flu for the last couple of weeks there and my lips really suffered badly during that time. No matter what i did, they were dry and flaking. I would wake up in the morning with the worst case of dry mouth and my lips would be bone dry and really gross. Sorry for the yucky explanation there but i have never in my life experienced anything that bad on my lips.

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