Facetheory Natural Retinol and Glycolic Acid Review


I happened to discover Facetheory products a few weeks ago and oh my God, I just have to say I am the happiest I have been in a very long time (perhaps forever!) with them. Here is my Facetheory natural retinol and glycolic acid review. Phew, very excited about these products and I haven’t done a review in a while now because I only believe in bringing you my best quality and top level faves. Here goes…

I have to say I was pretty sceptical about the retinol (pure vitamin A) as I had used it in my 20’s after being prescribed it by a dermatologist. The product I tried was a prescribed Retin-A. It originally made my skin peel and left me with redness so I discontinued use. I was told that was normal and continue on but I just couldn’t stand it so decided to try other methods. read more

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Best All Natural Skincare Recipes

all natural skin care recipes

Hi Friends,

Today I am sharing my tried and tested best all natural skincare recipes. I am a huge believer in natural skincare and have been for years since discovering it. I had never been successful in clearing my hormonal spots after many years of trying every lotion and potion on the market (pretty much!). I genuinely believed from following the media that I needed something chemical made in a lab with the latest exotic plant to heal my recurring acne. I had often read about natural methods such as DIY products but always fobbed them off as too gentle to deal with what I considered severe problem skin. What I didn’t realise was that the harsh chemicals were making my sensitive skin worse and actually stripping the natural oils. The process makes your body produce even more oil to replenish it, resulting in more spots and irritation, even skin peeling in some cases. read more

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20 Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Uses for Health and Wellness

Apple cider vinegar drinks

Apple cider vinegar, known as ACV for short, has a huge amount of uses for health and wellness. It has antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. It is mainly squeezed apple juice, but by adding yeast to it, the fruit turns to sugar and then alcohol through fermentation. In the second fermentation process, the alcohol is converted into vinegar by acetic acid-forming bacteria (acetobacter).

It contains polyphenols which are antioxidants that reduce cell damage. It contains malic and lactic acid which are beneficial to the skin. read more

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Manuka Honey – An Incredible Natural Antibiotic for Immunity

manuka honey

Manuka honey is one of the strongest antibiotics available. It has been used since ancient times to treat many and varied conditions. The New Zealand Maori tribe used it to treat their wounds during battle. Manuka honey stimulates the immune system and makes it more effective. This helps our body fight an infection more efficiently.

Manuka is produced by bees who pollinate the New Zealand native bush called Manuka. It protects against damage caused by bacteria and is a natural antibiotic. It stimulates cell regeneration that helps repair tissue. It also produces hydrogen peroxide and other components that provide antibacterial properties. read more

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Aloe Vera for Overall Health and Beautiful Skin

Aloe vera health benefits

Aloe Vera is my new go-to desert island must-have product. I had no idea there were so many health benefits until reading up on it recently. I was blown away by the long list of amazing benefits of using Aloe Vera for overall health and beautiful skin.

Here is a little bit of history about Aloe Vera, a wonder product used by many, dating back to over 6000 years ago!

Other names for the plant include Lily of the Desert, Plant of Immortality, Healing plant, Fountain of Youth and Burn plant.

Over 6000 years ago, stone carvings of the plant were displayed in tombs of the dead Pharaohs in Egypt. It was described as a plant of immortality. read more

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