What is Negative Self-Talk and How Can we Overcome it?

believe in yourself sand writing

I had never heard of the term negative self-talk before, until a couple of years ago when I read a book about positivity. The book I read was called “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” and I wrote a post about it a while back, if you wish to read it here. Our inner voice is so important as to how we see ourselves and how our confidence and positivity prevails. It is hard not to criticise ourselves from time to time, or indeed, all the time. I am no stranger to negative self-talk myself so I decided to write a post about it and how I deal with it nowadays. read more

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How to Improve Gut Health Naturally

Buddha holding flower petals at stomach - gut health

Hi Lovelies,

Today I’m talking about how to improve gut health naturally, and why it is so important. Maintaining a healthy gut is essential to maintain our overall health so we should be making it a priority. I’ll be honest when I tell you, I hadn’t heard much about maintaining a healthy gut until last year. Gut health was definitely a buzz-word online and in the media so I have done a lot reading up on it. It is most definitely not a passing phase and needs to be on top of our list in terms of staying healthy. I touched off the subject in my recent blog post on Apple Cider Vinegar. read more

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