Supercharge your immunity with turmeric/curcumin and boost your body’s immunity. Apart from the many health benefits derived from taking turmeric/curcumin, you could stave off the dreaded colds and viruses that come with the colder weather. Turmeric really is a super spice and has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, due to containing curcumin. Curcuminoids contain phenolic compounds such as polyphenols which are micronutrients that we can get through certain plant-based foods. These host a wide range of nutrients and health benefits.
Mediterranean Diet Basics and My Weight Loss Journey
Hi lovelies,
I am back in France after a lovely summer in New Zealand but unfortunately the weight I had planned to lose over there is still in place and I didn’t stick to any diet or workout regime over there. I had visions of running every day and becoming a healthier version of myself but I was in constant holiday mode so I never really got around to it haha. Oh well, I am ready for the challenge now and more motivated than ever!
Righto, so here is what happened in New Zealand. After living in France for the last 3 and a half years, I have missed sliced bread. Sounds crazy but you can’t get a decent sliced pan of plain bread here! There are so many and varied breads to choose from and boulangeries on every street corner that the old sliced pan never really took off here. Growing up in Ireland, we ate white sliced bread every day. Toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and toasties whenever we felt like it. So I basically missed that, being my comfort food for so long. Needless to say, once we arrived sliced pans were abundant and we were munching on white sliced bread daily. Our local shop was quite expensive over there so vegetables were really over priced. Unfortunately, being in holiday mode ( ah feck it, I’m on holidays! ) I ended up buying sugar-laden muesli bars every time I went to the shop and became hooked on them. I was probably eating 2 a day, thinking they were better than chocolate bars and a healthier option. At least thats what I told myself!
Moringa Powder for Health, Skin and Energy
Moringa powder for health, skin and energy is a brilliant choice due to the high levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals present.It is packed with iron, vitamin A, C and E, amino acids and essential amino acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium and protein.
It is an antioxidant, with flavonoids which are essential in our diet, as mentioned in my recent post on Buckwheat. It is anti-inflammatory with polyphenols, covered in another recent post on Gut Health and contains absorbic acid.
Moringa Oleifera is a tropical flowering plant. It is native to parts of Africa and Asia, including the Himalayas in India, and provides 90 nutrients, including 46 antioxidants and a multitude of minerals. It has become soaringly popular in its natural leaf powder supplement form. However, it is also possible to eat the pods, roots, bark, flowers, seeds, and fruits. Moringa seed extract is not recommended though.
20 Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Uses for Health and Wellness
Apple cider vinegar, known as ACV for short, has a huge amount of uses for health and wellness. It has antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. It is mainly squeezed apple juice, but by adding yeast to it, the fruit turns to sugar and then alcohol through fermentation. In the second fermentation process, the alcohol is converted into vinegar by acetic acid-forming bacteria (acetobacter).
It contains polyphenols which are antioxidants that reduce cell damage. It contains malic and lactic acid which are beneficial to the skin.