I have been taking Niacinamide, Biotin, Spirulina and Omega 3 supplements for the last month and I have noticed great improvement in my skin, hair and nails. My nails are so much stronger and growing so quick now. I had been wanting to try Biotin for quite a while now as I am trying to grow my hair and had read that it is the best supplement to take for that. Biotin seemed to be expensive in most of the health shops but I managed to find a really reasonably priced one online to decided to give it a go. Obviously I won’t notice too much difference in my hair length just yet as it has only been a month but my nails are much stronger, I have had to cut them twice this month! That is impressive, they aren’t even breaking and I’m delighted about that as they were quite brittle before. My hair feels softer, shinier and healthier so I think I will stick with these supplements as my hair was very brittle and dry before and nothing seemed to be working in terms of hair oil masks and deep treatments. I guess I may have been deficient in some vitamins and nutrients.
Mediterranean Diet Basics and My Weight Loss Journey
Hi lovelies,
I am back in France after a lovely summer in New Zealand but unfortunately the weight I had planned to lose over there is still in place and I didn’t stick to any diet or workout regime over there. I had visions of running every day and becoming a healthier version of myself but I was in constant holiday mode so I never really got around to it haha. Oh well, I am ready for the challenge now and more motivated than ever!
Righto, so here is what happened in New Zealand. After living in France for the last 3 and a half years, I have missed sliced bread. Sounds crazy but you can’t get a decent sliced pan of plain bread here! There are so many and varied breads to choose from and boulangeries on every street corner that the old sliced pan never really took off here. Growing up in Ireland, we ate white sliced bread every day. Toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and toasties whenever we felt like it. So I basically missed that, being my comfort food for so long. Needless to say, once we arrived sliced pans were abundant and we were munching on white sliced bread daily. Our local shop was quite expensive over there so vegetables were really over priced. Unfortunately, being in holiday mode ( ah feck it, I’m on holidays! ) I ended up buying sugar-laden muesli bars every time I went to the shop and became hooked on them. I was probably eating 2 a day, thinking they were better than chocolate bars and a healthier option. At least thats what I told myself!
Superfoods List – Boost your Inner Health and Outer Beauty
Superfoods are nutritious, often delicious and are truly beneficial to your health and beauty. Getting to know them, you will easily be able to incorporate them into your daily routine. They can be added to your regular meals as a way to enhance your health, wellbeing and body. It is also possible to include by the use of a food supplement, if necessary. Please note that if you are pregnant or on medication of any kind, you will need to check with your doctor before including these. This is a list of superfoods, in order to keep on file and get to know, if you are keen to add these into your diet. It includes a description of the benefits, attributes and daily intake recommend as well as any extra things to note. I need as much of a boost as I can get as I am feeling pretty lousy at the moment and really need to kickstart my health and wellness journey so here goes!