Niacinimide, Biotin, Spirulina and Omega 3 Supplements

Niacinimide, Biotin, Omega 3 and Spirulina on a plate

I have been taking Niacinamide, Biotin, Spirulina and Omega 3 supplements for the last month and I have noticed great improvement in my skin, hair and nails. My nails are so much stronger and growing so quick now. I had been wanting to try Biotin for quite a while now as I am trying to grow my hair and had read that it is the best supplement to take for that. Biotin seemed to be expensive in most of the health shops but I managed to find a really reasonably priced one online to decided to give it a go. Obviously I won’t notice too much difference in my hair length just yet as it has only been a month but my nails are much stronger, I have had to cut them twice this month! That is impressive, they aren’t even breaking and I’m delighted about that as they were quite brittle before. My hair feels softer, shinier and healthier so I think I will stick with these supplements as my hair was very brittle and dry before and nothing seemed to be working in terms of hair oil masks and deep treatments. I guess I may have been deficient in some vitamins and nutrients. read more

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Moringa Powder for Health, Skin and Energy

green moringa lea green moringa leaf powder

Moringa powder for health, skin and energy is a brilliant choice due to the high levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals present.It is packed with iron, vitamin A, C and E, amino acids and essential amino acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium and protein.

It is an antioxidant, with flavonoids which are essential in our diet, as mentioned in my recent post on Buckwheat. It is anti-inflammatory with polyphenols, covered in another recent post on Gut Health and contains absorbic acid.

Moringa Oleifera is a tropical flowering plant. It is native to parts of Africa and Asia, including the Himalayas in India, and provides 90 nutrients, including 46 antioxidants and a multitude of minerals. It has become soaringly popular in its natural leaf powder supplement form. However, it is also possible to eat the pods, roots, bark, flowers, seeds, and fruits. Moringa seed extract is not recommended though. read more

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