Henna Hair Dye for Natural, Shiny & Beautiful Locks

a henna hair pic

This week I am talking about henna hair dye for natural, shiny and beautiful locks. So a couple of weeks ago I was away in Morocco and decided to have my hair dyed professionally with henna. Not many hairdressers use it these days so I was delighted to have the opportunity to get it done in Morocco where it is still used regularly. I had hoped to find somewhere that did it, since I noticed there were lots of henna tattoo places around.

Luckily, there was a spa around the corner from where we were staying that had a hairdressers. I asked them and they were happy to use henna hair dye instead of the standard chemical kind. Although not that commonly used as a hair dye, they often obliged when people asked. They informed me the process would take a little longer than usual due to the extra time it takes to prepare and apply. They asked me if I had ever used henna before and I assured them I had. read more

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Pierre d’alun 100% Natural Deodorant Stone – Amazing!

Hi Everyone,

Finally I have found what I have been searching for all along, the Pierre d’alun 100% natural deodorant stone. It is nothing short of amazing! I have been trying to find a good quality natural deodorant for a while now and had been fairly unsuccessful so far. I have tried a few natural brands and wasn’t overly impressed by the results. I seemed to be re-applying them during the day or just discontinuing use. I was reluctant to fork out more money in the hope of finding a good one but I really don’t like the chemicals in the non-natural kind so I was apprehensive. read more

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Toxic Beauty Products in your cupboards. Know what you are applying…

Today I am writing about the dangerous toxins in regular everyday beauty products and how they can affect us. I think people need to be more aware of the dangers and so I am going to explain what the worst offenders are and how to spot them. The truth is, most people don't even look at the ingredients on their fave products and just assume if they have passed the tests they are obviously safe. Unfortunately, there is a massive amount of leniency given to the companies as to what they may use. I recently watched a documentary on just how many chemicals are in our beauty regime and learned the ugly truth about cosmetics in todays market. It was called "Our Chemical Lives".

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