Niacinimide, Biotin, Spirulina and Omega 3 Supplements

Niacinimide, Biotin, Omega 3 and Spirulina on a plate

I have been taking Niacinamide, Biotin, Spirulina and Omega 3 supplements for the last month and I have noticed great improvement in my skin, hair and nails. My nails are so much stronger and growing so quick now. I had been wanting to try Biotin for quite a while now as I am trying to grow my hair and had read that it is the best supplement to take for that. Biotin seemed to be expensive in most of the health shops but I managed to find a really reasonably priced one online to decided to give it a go. Obviously I won’t notice too much difference in my hair length just yet as it has only been a month but my nails are much stronger, I have had to cut them twice this month! That is impressive, they aren’t even breaking and I’m delighted about that as they were quite brittle before. My hair feels softer, shinier and healthier so I think I will stick with these supplements as my hair was very brittle and dry before and nothing seemed to be working in terms of hair oil masks and deep treatments. I guess I may have been deficient in some vitamins and nutrients. read more

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Facetheory Natural Retinol and Glycolic Acid Review


I happened to discover Facetheory products a few weeks ago and oh my God, I just have to say I am the happiest I have been in a very long time (perhaps forever!) with them. Here is my Facetheory natural retinol and glycolic acid review. Phew, very excited about these products and I haven’t done a review in a while now because I only believe in bringing you my best quality and top level faves. Here goes…

I have to say I was pretty sceptical about the retinol (pure vitamin A) as I had used it in my 20’s after being prescribed it by a dermatologist. The product I tried was a prescribed Retin-A. It originally made my skin peel and left me with redness so I discontinued use. I was told that was normal and continue on but I just couldn’t stand it so decided to try other methods. read more

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Benefits of Buckwheat (Including Bread and Scones Recipe)

a buckwheat seeds heart

Buckwheat seeds have great nutritional value, help to balance circulation and can also help reduce blood pressure. Buckwheat helps maintain a healthy gut too, as discussed in my recent post on How to improve Gut Health. They are unique for containing rutin (vitamin P). Here is a bit more about the flavonoid rutin.

Rutin is a healing “partner” to quercetin since they both work hand in hand to protect sensory neurons. They are both strong antioxidants that can have an anti-inflammatory effect as well. Rutin in particular has been the focus of several studies for the reduction of painful inflammation that accompanies rheumatoid arthritis. A study from December 2016 on the cancer benefit of the stocky Vietnamese healing plant Xao tam phan (Paramignya trimera) found that the high antioxidant and cytotoxic (cancer-killing) properties of flavonoids rutin and catechin had a noticeable effect on pancreatic, ovarian, lung, skin, prostate, brain, and breast tumors. From The Truth About Cancer read more

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Honey, DIY Skincare & Saving the Bees

bee on a white flower with pink

Did you know that every third mouthful of food we eat has been pollinated by bees? They are truly remarkable creatures and without them, the human race would be extinct! They are responsible for pollinating around 85 percent of the worlds food crops. Another fantastic thing about them is that they produce honey, wax and propolis. They have many uses and one of the main uses is for skincare. Humans have been using honey to heal the skin for thousands of years. Honey, wax and propolis have been used for their antiseptic and moisturising properties. They are a well known beauty staple and a great skin conditioner. Honey can be used to heal wounds and treat various skin conditions. read more

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