How I Gave up Alcohol & Tips to Quit or Cut Down

holding hands on a path - symbolising giving up alcohol as a journey

Hello Friends,

I gave up drinking over a month ago so I thought I should post a blog post on how I gave up alcohol and tips to quit or cut down. I genuinely feel way better in myself and my life has changed so positively since kicking the drink.

Giving up alcohol was a huge step for me. I have thought about it so many times over the years, too many to remember. Growing up in Ireland, the drinking culture was a big part of life. It seemed as though, once I was old enough to buy alcohol, it was a huge victory. I was somehow led to believe that alcohol was the be all and end all of life! read more

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The Power of Positive Thinking

Hey there,

Today im sharing my experience with the power of positivity and the effect it has had on my life so far. A few years ago, a friend recommended the book “The Secret” to me. She explained how she had a group of friends who all read the book or watched the DVD and miraculously, all of them had turned out to be be successful and began leading truly fulfilled lives. I was mesmerised at the prospect but also extremely sceptical. I remember thinking to myself that i would look online and consider buying the book or DVD but i forgot soon after and never got around to it. Fast forward a few years and my memory was jogged while talking to someone else. This woman swore by the law of attraction through positive thinking and explained a similar fate. She mentioned a similar book called “The Power of your Subconscious Mind”. She said that once she read about the power of your thoughts and how to visualise the things you desire, things began to really change for the better. That evening i decided to purchase the book and see what all the fuss was about. Mainly out of curiosity to begin with. Soon i was hooked. read more

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