How to Make Yoghurt at Home with a Yoghurt Maker (Sugar-free Berry Coulis Recipe Included)

Yoghurt with berry coulis topping

Hi Guys!

As part of my health kick where I am sticking to the Mediterranean diet principles and trying to eat more homemade and locally sourced produce, I have decided to make my own yoghurt at home. I love it and it tastes better than store bought so here is how to make yoghurt at home with a yoghurt maker!

I had been buying a probiotic yoghurt to eat for breakfast in order to help balance my gut health every morning. Probiotic translates as “for life,” from its Greek and Latin etymology and they are good bacteria that help balances your gut microbiota which results in a healthier body and digestive system. You can read more about gut health in my recent post here – How to improve gut health naturally. read more

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Healthy Oatmeal Cup Snacks

healthy oatmeal cup snacks

I made these yummy and healthy oatmeal cup snacks with my 3 year old the other day and she absolutely loved them. I was delighted because she normally asks me to bake cakes and these are super healthy. They are a perfect snack without sugar and packed full of nutrients. They were really quick and easy to prep and they are perfect for baking with kids.

I had some oatmeal and bananas and decided to mix in some dates to substitute the sugar. Both the banana and dates add a natural sweetness and you can add in some frozen berries or else raisins for an extra taste if you like. The healthy oatmeal cup snacks are ideal for a healthy mid morning snack or to give the kids for school. read more

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