A Typical Day on the Mediterranean Diet

a Mediterranean diet dish

Hi Everyone,

I decided to post a typical day on the Mediterranean diet to show how I am progressing and give an idea of what it involves. So far I have been enjoying the Mediterranean diet as it isn’t too restrictive, like previous diets I have tried in the past. It is more of a healthy lifestyle plan than a diet but you lose around 2 pounds a week on average and that is what is considered ‘healthy weight loss’. It is more sustainable than most quick-fix diets and it allows you to eat regular meals and even have a glass of wine with dinner, so for me that is working well. I do love my food and wine! read more

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Benefits of Buckwheat (Including Bread and Scones Recipe)

a buckwheat seeds heart

Buckwheat seeds have great nutritional value, help to balance circulation and can also help reduce blood pressure. Buckwheat helps maintain a healthy gut too, as discussed in my recent post on How to improve Gut Health. They are unique for containing rutin (vitamin P). Here is a bit more about the flavonoid rutin.

Rutin is a healing “partner” to quercetin since they both work hand in hand to protect sensory neurons. They are both strong antioxidants that can have an anti-inflammatory effect as well. Rutin in particular has been the focus of several studies for the reduction of painful inflammation that accompanies rheumatoid arthritis. A study from December 2016 on the cancer benefit of the stocky Vietnamese healing plant Xao tam phan (Paramignya trimera) found that the high antioxidant and cytotoxic (cancer-killing) properties of flavonoids rutin and catechin had a noticeable effect on pancreatic, ovarian, lung, skin, prostate, brain, and breast tumors. From The Truth About Cancer read more

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