Finalists for the CertClean Beauty Awards 2020 Best Serums

Clean Beauty Awards 2020 Finalist Serums

Bonjour beautés,

Hope you’re all keeping well during this global pandemic and most importantly, staying home looking after yourselves. I am focusing on all the positives rather than dwelling on the negatives so one of the positive aspects of being in self-confinement is most certainly having time to blog!

I have really missed my blog so much since I have been working every single day up until the closure of our restaurant business two weeks ago. So without further ado, I bring you the finalists for the CertClean beauty awards 2020 best serums category. read more

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Manuka Honey – An Incredible Natural Antibiotic for Immunity

manuka honey

Manuka honey is one of the strongest antibiotics available. It has been used since ancient times to treat many and varied conditions. The New Zealand Maori tribe used it to treat their wounds during battle. Manuka honey stimulates the immune system and makes it more effective. This helps our body fight an infection more efficiently.

Manuka is produced by bees who pollinate the New Zealand native bush called Manuka. It protects against damage caused by bacteria and is a natural antibiotic. It stimulates cell regeneration that helps repair tissue. It also produces hydrogen peroxide and other components that provide antibacterial properties. read more

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