Benefits of Buckwheat (Including Bread and Scones Recipe)

a buckwheat seeds heart

Buckwheat seeds have great nutritional value, help to balance circulation and can also help reduce blood pressure. Buckwheat helps maintain a healthy gut too, as discussed in my recent post on How to improve Gut Health. They are unique for containing rutin (vitamin P). Here is a bit more about the flavonoid rutin.

Rutin is a healing “partner” to quercetin since they both work hand in hand to protect sensory neurons. They are both strong antioxidants that can have an anti-inflammatory effect as well. Rutin in particular has been the focus of several studies for the reduction of painful inflammation that accompanies rheumatoid arthritis. A study from December 2016 on the cancer benefit of the stocky Vietnamese healing plant Xao tam phan (Paramignya trimera) found that the high antioxidant and cytotoxic (cancer-killing) properties of flavonoids rutin and catechin had a noticeable effect on pancreatic, ovarian, lung, skin, prostate, brain, and breast tumors. From The Truth About Cancer read more

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Aloe Vera for Overall Health and Beautiful Skin

Aloe vera health benefits

Aloe Vera is my new go-to desert island must-have product. I had no idea there were so many health benefits until reading up on it recently. I was blown away by the long list of amazing benefits of using Aloe Vera for overall health and beautiful skin.

Here is a little bit of history about Aloe Vera, a wonder product used by many, dating back to over 6000 years ago!

Other names for the plant include Lily of the Desert, Plant of Immortality, Healing plant, Fountain of Youth and Burn plant.

Over 6000 years ago, stone carvings of the plant were displayed in tombs of the dead Pharaohs in Egypt. It was described as a plant of immortality. read more

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A List of Health Supplements and Their Uses

Hi Everyone,

I decided to do a list of health supplements as I have been taking them for years now and have really noticed a difference when I stop taking certain ones etc. For this reason, I really believe they do work and so I have compiled this list for you to decide which ones may benefit you. Whether its wanting to grow your hair and nails, achieve a better complexion or give yourself a health boost, there is a supplement that can most likely help. All of us are in need of different things, for instance, I don’t eat much seafood which is an essential part of the diet. Therefore, I take an Omega 3 supplement to give me the essential fatty acids that I don’t get enough of. I also eat flax seeds to make up for the lack of fatty acids such as Omega 3 in my diet. Basically, you can find the vitamins, minerals or oils you may be deficient in, in most cases, by eating an alternative food. However, this can sometimes be difficult to manage. An example of this, is when I was pregnant. I was taking a multi-vitamin tablet daily until I found out, then I needed to come off all my vitamins due to the doctors orders. I knew I was going to have a hard time eating as much iron as was expected due to being pregnant. You need way more iron than usual so without taking a supplement I was going to have to eat something like a steak and a whole bag of spinach daily! I tried my best to keep up with the high iron diet but it was tough going! In the end I needed to be prescribed iron tablets, which most women do when pregnant. Anyway, that is just an example of when it is required to supplement your food intake with a supplement. I just want to mention, before I go on, that you always need to consult your Doctor before commencing a course of supplements, whatever they are. All our bodies are different so it is best to be careful when taking anything you’re not used to. read more

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