Supercharge your Immunity with Turmeric/Curcumin

Supercharge your immunity with turmeric/curcumin and boost your body’s immunity. Apart from the many health benefits derived from taking turmeric/curcumin, you could stave off the dreaded colds and viruses that come with the colder weather. Turmeric really is a super spice and has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, due to containing curcumin. Curcuminoids contain phenolic compounds such as polyphenols which are micronutrients that we can get through certain plant-based foods. These host a wide range of nutrients and health benefits. read more

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Manuka Honey – An Incredible Natural Antibiotic for Immunity

manuka honey

Manuka honey is one of the strongest antibiotics available. It has been used since ancient times to treat many and varied conditions. The New Zealand Maori tribe used it to treat their wounds during battle. Manuka honey stimulates the immune system and makes it more effective. This helps our body fight an infection more efficiently.

Manuka is produced by bees who pollinate the New Zealand native bush called Manuka. It protects against damage caused by bacteria and is a natural antibiotic. It stimulates cell regeneration that helps repair tissue. It also produces hydrogen peroxide and other components that provide antibacterial properties. read more

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A List of Health Supplements and Their Uses

Hi Everyone,

I decided to do a list of health supplements as I have been taking them for years now and have really noticed a difference when I stop taking certain ones etc. For this reason, I really believe they do work and so I have compiled this list for you to decide which ones may benefit you. Whether its wanting to grow your hair and nails, achieve a better complexion or give yourself a health boost, there is a supplement that can most likely help. All of us are in need of different things, for instance, I don’t eat much seafood which is an essential part of the diet. Therefore, I take an Omega 3 supplement to give me the essential fatty acids that I don’t get enough of. I also eat flax seeds to make up for the lack of fatty acids such as Omega 3 in my diet. Basically, you can find the vitamins, minerals or oils you may be deficient in, in most cases, by eating an alternative food. However, this can sometimes be difficult to manage. An example of this, is when I was pregnant. I was taking a multi-vitamin tablet daily until I found out, then I needed to come off all my vitamins due to the doctors orders. I knew I was going to have a hard time eating as much iron as was expected due to being pregnant. You need way more iron than usual so without taking a supplement I was going to have to eat something like a steak and a whole bag of spinach daily! I tried my best to keep up with the high iron diet but it was tough going! In the end I needed to be prescribed iron tablets, which most women do when pregnant. Anyway, that is just an example of when it is required to supplement your food intake with a supplement. I just want to mention, before I go on, that you always need to consult your Doctor before commencing a course of supplements, whatever they are. All our bodies are different so it is best to be careful when taking anything you’re not used to. read more

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