My Digital Detox & Newfound Inner Peace

Me on my digital detox relaxing

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven’t been active on here much lately but I have been trying out a digital detox. Here is how it went –

“My digital detox and newfound inner peace”.

Ok, so I mentioned the last time I blogged on here around 3 weeks ago that I was going to try out a digital detox. A digital detox is when you take time away from your phone and computer screens to take a break from those kinds of digital devices for a while. It helps the mind to rest and gives your soul a break too. read more

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How Working Out Can Change Your Life

lady walking with a dog

Hi Everyone,

Today I am featuring my first ever guest post on the blog. It is a very open, honest and real life story which is inspiring and motivating. A lot of us can relate to this so I think you will enjoy reading it. Check out Anita’s blog if you get a chance!

Guest post by Anita Chitnis from Unstick Your Life Now

As I scroll through Instagram I watch all these people get their lives together. People are losing weight left and right as I sit here with rolls on my body. I have been ashamed my whole life and will continue to be ashamed for the rest of my life. “My body will never look bikini ready,” I tell myself. I had been one of the many who had engaged in yo-yo dieting and diet fads in order to lose weight. I had been someone to say I wanted to lose 10 pounds for an upcoming relatives’ wedding and then proceeded to gain 15 after the wedding was over. In the past I had lost weight, sometimes up to 20 pounds at a time but it never lasted. I was unmotivated, lazy, and quite honestly, ready to quit hoping for a better future. read more

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