A Sustainable Contemporary and Designer Vintage Fashion Magazine!

girl in a headband fashion magazine cover

Hi lovelies,

I was delighted to finally come across a sustainable contemporary and vintage fashion magazine online called Contemporary Fashion. Fast fashion is one of the worst polluters of our planet today and we need to look at changing our habits.

Contemporary Fashion shows us where to find clothing that is ethically made, sourced and delivered. On top of that, they have fabulous thrifted gear including top designer brands on their site which are readily available online.

They work with lots of ethical and smaller brands who are becoming increasingly popular. A lot of fast fashion items are cheaply made with lower quality fabrics, therefore not built to last. read more

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How Working Out Can Change Your Life

lady walking with a dog

Hi Everyone,

Today I am featuring my first ever guest post on the blog. It is a very open, honest and real life story which is inspiring and motivating. A lot of us can relate to this so I think you will enjoy reading it. Check out Anita’s blog if you get a chance!

Guest post by Anita Chitnis from Unstick Your Life Now

As I scroll through Instagram I watch all these people get their lives together. People are losing weight left and right as I sit here with rolls on my body. I have been ashamed my whole life and will continue to be ashamed for the rest of my life. “My body will never look bikini ready,” I tell myself. I had been one of the many who had engaged in yo-yo dieting and diet fads in order to lose weight. I had been someone to say I wanted to lose 10 pounds for an upcoming relatives’ wedding and then proceeded to gain 15 after the wedding was over. In the past I had lost weight, sometimes up to 20 pounds at a time but it never lasted. I was unmotivated, lazy, and quite honestly, ready to quit hoping for a better future. read more

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